
The Greek Parthenon, an iconic structure from ancient Greece, stands as a testament to the architectural and cultural achievements of the ancient world. With its precise dimensions and elegant design, the Parthenon has captivated scholars and tourists alike for centuries. In this article, we will delve into the fascinating dimensions of the Parthenon, exploring its proportions, measurements, and the significance behind them.

General Dimensions:

The Greek Parthenon, located on the Acropolis of Athens, was constructed during the 5th century BC. The building measures approximately 70 meters (229 feet) in length and 31 meters (102 feet) in width. These dimensions are remarkable for their accuracy and symmetry, showcasing the meticulous planning and execution of the ancient architects.

Proportions and Scale:

The Parthenon’s dimensions are not arbitrary; they are based on a specific ratio that was considered aesthetically pleasing in ancient Greece. The ratio of the building’s length to its width is approximately 2.25:1, which is known as the “Doric order” ratio. This proportion was used in many other ancient Greek structures, including the Temple of Hephaestus and the Temple of Apollo at Delphi.

Column Dimensions:

One of the most distinctive features of the Parthenon is its column design. The temple is flanked by 17 columns on each side, with a central column at the rear. Each column measures approximately 10.5 meters (34.4 feet) in height, and the diameter of the column at the base is about 1.9 meters (6.2 feet). The columns are adorned with intricate carvings, showcasing the craftsmanship of the ancient Greeks.

Interior Dimensions:

The interior of the Parthenon is equally impressive. The main hall, known as the naos, measures approximately 10.5 meters (34.4 feet) in length and 21.5 meters (70.8 feet) in width. The cella, which housed the iconic statue of Athena Parthenos, measures approximately 8.1 meters (26.7 feet) in length and 5.5 meters (18.1 feet) in width. The dimensions of the interior spaces were carefully designed to enhance the architectural beauty and functionality of the temple.


The Greek Parthenon dimensions are a marvel of ancient architectural design. The precise proportions, symmetrical layout, and intricate details of the structure showcase the advanced knowledge and craftsmanship of the ancient Greeks. By studying these dimensions, we can gain a deeper understanding of the architectural principles that shaped the ancient world and continue to inspire modern designers today.

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