The Seeing Eye Organization, founded in 1929, is a renowned non-profit organization that has been changing lives for the visually impaired since its inception. Based in Morristown, New Jersey, this organization has been instrumental in providing guide dogs to individuals with visual impairments, enabling them to live independently and confidently. With a mission to enhance the independence, mobility, and safety of people who are blind or visually impaired, the Seeing Eye Organization has become a beacon of hope for countless individuals worldwide.
History and Mission:
The Seeing Eye Organization was established by Morris Frank, a blind man who sought to improve the quality of life for others with visual impairments. In 1929, Frank was introduced to Dorothy Harrison Eustis, a dog trainer, who agreed to help him train a guide dog. This collaboration led to the first Seeing Eye dog, a German Shepherd named Buddy, who was successfully paired with Frank in 1931. Since then, the organization has continued to train and provide guide dogs to individuals in need.
The mission of the Seeing Eye Organization is to enhance the independence, mobility, and safety of people who are blind or visually impaired. The organization achieves this by training highly skilled guide dogs and providing them to qualified individuals at no cost. The Seeing Eye Organization also offers a variety of other services, including mobility training, public education, and support for both the visually impaired and their guide dogs.
Training and Placement:
The Seeing Eye Organization’s training process is rigorous and comprehensive, ensuring that each guide dog is well-prepared to assist their owner. The training program begins with the selection of the most suitable dogs, typically German Shepherds, Golden Retrievers, and Labrador Retrievers. These breeds are chosen for their intelligence, temperament, and ability to handle various situations.
Once selected, the dogs undergo a 18-24 month training program, which includes obedience training, public access training, and partnership training. During the partnership training, the dog and owner work together for a period of 2-3 weeks to learn how to navigate their environment and work as a team. This process is crucial in building a strong bond between the dog and the owner, ensuring a successful partnership.
After completing the training program, the Seeing Eye Organization carefully matches each dog with a visually impaired individual who has been evaluated and determined to be a suitable candidate. This matching process takes into account the individual’s lifestyle, needs, and preferences, ensuring that each person receives a guide dog that will best suit their requirements.
Impact and Success Stories:
The Seeing Eye Organization has had a profound impact on the lives of countless individuals worldwide. Success stories are abundant, showcasing the transformative power of the organization’s work. One such story is that of Pat, a blind man who received his Seeing Eye dog, Sam, in 2006. Pat describes Sam as his “best friend,” and credits him with giving him the confidence to travel independently, attend school, and pursue his passion for photography.
Another success story is that of Jane, who received her Seeing Eye dog, Max, in 2014. Jane had been struggling with her mobility and independence for years, but with Max by her side, she has been able to rediscover her sense of freedom and explore the world with newfound confidence.
The Seeing Eye Organization stands as a testament to the power of compassion, dedication, and innovation. By providing guide dogs and support services to visually impaired individuals, the organization has made a significant impact on the lives of countless people. As the need for these services continues to grow, the Seeing Eye Organization remains committed to its mission, ensuring that those with visual impairments can live lives of independence, mobility, and safety.